Rain Ananael
Rain Ananael is a conservation biologist whose fieldwork has primarily focused on botany, herpetology, chiropterology, ichthyology, and watershed-level preservation initiatives. She has an MA in English. Her writing passions include folklore, ecology, new myth and memory: specifically the role emotion, experience and knowledge (ontology and epistemology) play in structuring myth and memory.
Tim Kahl
Tim Kahl is the author of Possessing Yourself (Word Tech, 2009). He is a professor, translator, and poet whose work has been published in Prairie Schooner, American Letters & Commentary, Berkeley Poetry Review, Notre Dame Review, the Spoon River Poetry Review, the Texas Review, and many more. He also appears as Victor Schnickelfritz at the poetry and poetics blog
He is also the editor of Bald Trickster Press and the forthcoming book-length renga poem on the subject of the city of Sacramento to be published by Sacramento Poetry Center Press.
Cynthia Linville (Managing Editor/Designer)
Cynthia Linville teaches writing at California State University at Sacramento and hosts a local Friday night reading series. Her poetry has recently appeared in the Sacramento News and Review, the Sacramento Bee, Brevities, the Cosumnes River Journal, the Rattlesnake Review, Song of the San Joaquin and WTF. She is Poetry Editor for the
Sacramento Poetry Center’s publication Poetry Now.
Amy Bernays
Amy Bernays earned a BA(hons) in FineArt from Central St. Martins, London in 2001. Her paintings are landscapes of personal interaction. They are poems to the love of line and are a visual version of the language of long lingering looks, gestures, and the great unsaid. Shortlisted for the Mercury prize in 2006, Amy can be reached at Amy@bernays.net and via her blog.
Jeff Foster
Jeff Foster lives in Missouri where he runs a custodial business. He is part of a collective gallery and has been creating digital art since 2000. He originally wrote poetry. His influences are Bosch, Klimt, and Saudek. He has work in various publications including KenAgain, Ruminate, and Ouroboros Review. Visit his website or email him at jpkfos@embarqmail.com.
Sasha Geffen
Sasha Geffen studies creative writing as an undergraduate at the
University of Chicago. She is involved with University Theater
and also writes music reviews for Performer Magazine. She is
originally from Boston.
Anne Germanacos
Anne Germanacos’ work has appeared in over sixty literary reviews and anthologies, including Dzanc’s Best of the Web 2009. In the fall of 2010, a collection of her short stories will be published by BOA Editions. She lives in San Francisco and on the island of Crete.
Kyle Hemmings
Kyle Hemmings lives and works in New Jersey. His work has been featured in Lacuna Journal, Literary Tonic, Five Fishes, and others.
Richard Luftig
Richard Luftig is a retired professor of educational psychology and special education at Miami University in Ohio. He is a recipient of the Cincinnati Post-Corbett Foundation Award for Literature and a semi finalist for the Emily Dickinson Society Award. His poems have appeared in numerous literary journals in the United States and internationally in Japan, Canada, Australia, Finland, Bulgaria, Thailand and England and Hong Kong. His third chapbook was published by Dos Madres Press.
Simon Perchik
Simon Perchik is an attorney whose poems have appeared in Partisan Review, the New Yorker and elsewhere. For more information, including his essay “Magic, Illusion and Other Realities” and a complete bibliography, please visit his
Elahzar Rao
Elahzar Rao holds a BA in English from Hunter College in New York City. He is currently working as clerk for the U.S. Census Bureau and pursuing a master’s in special education. His publication credits include artwork in Cerise Press, Prick of the Spindle, the Centrifugal Eye, and Fogged Clarity, as well as fiction in Six Sentences and
SixWordStories.net. More of his work can be viewed here. You can contact him at elahzar@ymail.com.
Brenton Rossow
Brenton Rossow has been living in South East Asia for the past nine years. He is the lead singer of an experimental three piece called The Folding Chairs. His work has been published in LINQ, Thieves Jargon, Taj Mahal Review, Decomp Mag, Nefarious Ballerina, Sein Und Werden, Parameter Magazine, Barrel House, Everyday Genius, Dogzploz, Indigo Journal, the New Writer, and Unlikely 2.0 among others. He is currently working on a novel about grasshoppers in Laos.
Nate Shearer
Nathan Shearer is an avid cyclist, writer and photographer in Washington, DC. He started writing and taking photographs while living in Sacramento, California. Since then he has been documenting his adventures on
his blog. A photo of his appears in the April 2010 issue of Bike Monkey. You can contact him at nathanshearer73@gmail.com or via Facebook.
J. Zimmerman
Free-lance writer J. Zimmerman is co-editor and contributor for
Poetry at Ariadne's Web. Her poems have been published internationally and have won the Mary Lonnberg Smith Poetry Prize. She has worked as a solid-state physicist, radio host, falconry apprentice, software designer, university tutor, and a surveyor at archaeological sites in Britain and Greece.