By John Dooley Some days are much better than others. You get a postcard from someone you don’t hate. There's also a small check. The kittens play with a '57 Chevy Hot Wheels car on the wood floor. You take the check and leave the house. Lock the door. Swing open the gate and step into the wind. Hungry. The sun acts just right, and prowling clouds move like wild boar snorting through the sky. Wind finds its way into your ears and nostrils, bringing in faintly reminiscent odors of summer storm cat piss, and the vague decaying rot of persimmon. You walk 15 zigzag blocks to the store through residential catacombs. Each house decorated with simplistic personality. A beige one, with 16 blossoming potted red carnation bushes catches the eye. The sea green mist contemporary, with a single shrub in the front yard shaped like a buxom farm wife. A shaggy overgrown shack with pumpkin plants cushioning the parameter. All this on the way to the store. Not the stupid 24-hour store, "The Stupor Market." The fancy store. You grab the green-retard-sized cart and hunching, stalk the aisles. You get the sea scallops. You get the stinky, runny cheese with sticky rivers of blue goo spidering through it. You get radicchio & white onion, shiitake & limes. One albino eggplant. Sunset splashed Queen Anne cherries, pounds of them; you stuff innocent handfuls into a paper bag like a savage scavenger. 4 coffee-colored plums. An Australian Cabernet and a Kenwood table red. Baguette the shape and size of an elk horn. Pay for the shit and tip the dog outside tied, with a quick scratch on the muzzle. She leaps at the scent of your groceries, but you’re already gone. Cut home through the park. Past dykes on both sides in two fields playing Knock 'em Sock 'em softball, yelling at each other impatiently. Whacking screaming, shrunken skulls down the third base line. Better men than most men. Better men than me. Enter the trees. Alter course for the house. Bust in door. Ignite coils. Smack the pan. Blast scallops with eggplant, mushroom, Kenwood, a smash of dill weed and salt. Squeeze that lime. Flip in air, catch with plate. Drink the bottle down. Eat the food. Crush the fruit into your mouth with impunity. Open the Australian. Pour it. Drink it until it misses your mouth and spills right down your shirt. Forget the scallops were sandy. Drink the wine. See the empty Hot Wheels car on the lonely floor. Wonder where kittens hide from giants. Remember the postcard. Forget that you were hungry. Forget what day it is. ![]() Ready by Lynn Crounse STUPID LOVE, STUPID LOVE By John Dooley The first punch takes you completely off guard The whiteness of it The same feeling you'll have when death blow comes The whole stupid inevitability of it all If you're lucky, that great bitch Irony will raise her frothing head and add a litle something interesting at the end, to ice the cake You can't love your enemy Your enemy can't love you. The hammer falls, the bell chimes, hit man, bullet, janice The seemingly unimportant bald guy in the convertible Mercedes With the blue .22 and a spot, like a black quarter, on his heart When your time is up there will be no discussion Find something to do in the meantime Start a fight or make things right Know your death will be glorious and unique No one will ever die like you That's all we've ever been promised by anyone A fight isn't all that bad Compared to lifelessness and mundane parables a fight is nothing To hang in a cell from a shoestring Must be better than living on one and eating raw shit day after day for 80 years And the river goes flat, and the river runs brown, and the frogs scream as if being torn from the sheets of existence, and the blood boils and steam becomes flame, and Justice comes on three wheels backwards, and holly cuts into Christmas, and Love takes a knife, and Steel runs deep into families, and words cannot stack without paper You fight and you fight welland you fight endlessly for a decent, memorable death Guaranteed to be one of a kind Some just sound better than others They're all worthy of attention (The first punch, and something snaps She never should have hit him) There is a soul There is an afterlife and there is something wondrous and beyond our present capacity to comprehend, besides the proliferation of Olestra in our all too recently fat free nation Someone is going to be there to judge![]() Gone by Rosario Romero FIRST PAGE By John Dooley It seems like I've always smoked Like Mark Twain, I came into the world asking for a light In the smoke of my childhood no simple lake stroll or valley was without wonder No bug or stick less to me than the rumbling belly of August sunsets At 7, I swung on vines in places that have forgotten to exist With vultures as my songbirds I developed a treasonous smirk smoking hay straw in the barn At 10, humor came and branded my ass, and my merriment became authentic as anything that ever attracted me, except the allure of smolder At 15, I could dish shit out, but couldn't take it Not that many could at that age and taunted usually in the school smoking area I always came out swinging At 16, I met my match In the course of an argument over brand favorites, I punched Jim Page in the gut so many times my arms became weary and I stopped swinging I couldn't figure out how he could take such a beating I was punching right through him And then he precisely dropped me into a tiny coma my head remembers to this day Standing over me, Jim offered his hand with a straight face After school, we lit up outside his house Then, regretfully, went inside petrified, to where Jim's father bathed Cigar in teeth, a blonde block of meat with vicious freckles, steaming naked, cock floating in gray suds Thick cigar smoke ground through my blue bloody nose like pepper Jim's mother was in there washing the old man dutifully with a faded black cloth while he triumphantly farted in the bath water They made us stand there and watch for a long time She washed his crotch while humming "You boys got caught fighting at school" He crooked his finger at Jim, beckoning him closer He hit Jim so hard a cloudburst of water followed his body across the bathroom smashing him against the open bathroom door Jim stood up dripping as if nothing happened "Jim won," I mumbled dumbly, "He kicked my ass" I thought I was going to pass a kidney The old man took a wet draw on cigar Blew a ring into my face "Of course he kicked your ass That's why I'm letting you off the hook Otherwise your ass would be mine" Jim's mother smiled and he splashed at her, playfully soaking her breasts "I also heard you boys have been smoking cigarettes That shit'll kill you quicker than sin" he belched "No more fighting at school. Shut the door on your way out" I never hit Jim again, why bother? What were my juvenile punches to a boy who took it habitually from a 200 pound killer? He was way out of my league Jim eventually graduated to Vacaville State Prison where cigarettes are currency At 19, I befriended a boxer whose attitude I stole I never saw him hit anyone who didn't swing first But when they did, he always put out the lights Don't ever let anyone talk you into a fight he said But if they swing first, take 'em to town Look 'em in the eye Don't bother with the gut, John Tag 'em between the nose and forehead Then upper cut to the chin again and again Walk away when they're down Show mercy Remember to breathe Apologize to the widow like a gentleman But SMOKE 'EM ![]() John Dooley by Kristy Lou Photography |